1 Keep interior doors (bedroom, bathroom, closet) open to ensure air is properly circulating.
2 Refrain from keeping rooms excessively cold.
3 Turn off AC units when you are not using the room.
4 Proper Ventilation: Run A/C, dehumidifiers, bathroom exhaust fans.
5 Open windows for air flow.
Keeping the room temperature excessively low and closing all the doors and windows all the time are the No. 1 cause of growing mold

If you leave your house in excess of one week…
Please turn off all AC units except living room and masters bedroom, depends on your house size. Remember to set the dehumidifier (humidity on Okinawa is constant).
Turn on the bathroom fans, open all the interior doors (bedrooms, bathrooms, and closets/cabinets).
This will ensure that air is properly circulated in your home.
*It’s important to have a house-watcher in case of power outage.